To – Sunil Kraleti, Trainee

Home Forums General Discussion Architects Hangout Help & Views for My Thesis To – Sunil Kraleti, Trainee


To Sunil Kraleti, Trainee Architect @ Kakani Associates, Ahmedabad.

Firstly, thanks for the reply.

Now, i want to say that ‘ARCHITECTURE FOR  HUMANITY‘ (campus with museum,audi-amphi,library,humanity centre,naturotheraphy center) is a proposal. Its a program or a thought to develop such a campus in which each acitivity or atmosphere forces the visitor to think that "what they think about their country, about the society, about the people, is right or not.." & i think the stuctures like Matri-Mandir & Amphi-Audi for the programs like "Art of Living" will surely make the visitors at least one time to think about their approch to life…

I think that SUCH campus will help to purify the YOUTH thoughts, increase the REAL respect about  INDIA, it will help to release the stresses of today’s ‘Busy Man’..(through landscape & naturotheraphy center).
Now i like to tell on your this comment -"i feel architecture for humanity is not gonna change the attitude". My reply is-"immediately fascinating" is both, the strong & weak point of todays youth. Now its creator’s responsibility that their this habit should be a strong point for them. So i think that SUCH CAMPUS WILL DEFINATELY AFFECT ON YOUTH’S MIND because of the atmosphere, program & visual feelings which does matter. And through this topic i want to create the SPACE for such atmosphere, program & visual feelings.