Heating 101: Different Types of Furnaces For Your Home

Winter is just around the corner, and in Canada, this means it is time to use your furnace to be warm and cozy at home. If your unit has been malfunctioning for a few months, you might want to consider purchasing a new one before this cold season. In this regard, there are different types of furnaces on the market.

To help you make an informed decision, we will break down their characteristics below. Plus, we will talk about other factors you need to consider when purchasing this product.

In case you don’t know how a furnace works, here is a quick overview.  A furnace is an essential part of your HVAC system that allows you to heat the air. At the same time, to distribute this warm airflow, a fan activates and moves it into the ducts. To achieve the desired temperature, your furnace has limit switches. Once the environment satisfies the requirements of the thermostat, the entire system will shut off.

Even though this sounds like a simple process, choosing the right furnace for your home will take time. During this process, you need to consider the types of furnaces, their features and your budget. Because we want you to have the best furnace for your home, here is a breakdown of appliances you might encounter.

Types of furnaces

The first thing you need to know is that furnaces are classified into two groups, by operation and by fuel type. When you think about purchasing this part of your HVAC system, it is necessary to look at both categories to help you narrow down your options. Remember that sometimes replacement is not the only answer, there are instances in which you only need to repair one component. To check if this is a possibility, click on the following link to contact the best HVAC repair services – AndersonAir.

By Operation

Even though the primary task of furnaces is to keep you warm during the winter months, it is also necessary throughout summer. Without a proper furnace, you won’t be able to have fresh air in the hot months, which could create an uncomfortable environment inside your house. To avoid this situation, let’s get started with the classification of furnaces by operation.

1. Single-stage

As you might have guessed by its name, a single-stage furnace just has one stage of operation. This means that around your home, you might have temperature fluctuations. Since this is the most basic product, you can only turn it on or off, which will use more energy during the day. However, if you look on the bright side, a single-stage furnace is affordable and easy to install on any property.

2. Two-stage

This is the perfect furnace if you are looking for a system that is more efficient and distributes the temperature evenly throughout your house. With a two-stage furnace, you will get more control since you can choose between the full-speed and the half-speed setting. The best part about these furnaces is that they are not loud.

3. Variable speed

This is the type of furnace many homeowners like because it is more energy-efficient and improves indoor air quality. A variable speed furnace has several speed controls, but it can also regulate the heat output depending on the temperature outside your home. Due to all its features, this product will cost more compared to the others you find above. However, in the long run, it will be more cost-effective.

By Fuel Type

Apart from how they operate, furnaces are also classified according to the type of fuel they use to generate heat.

1. Gas furnace

This is the most common type of furnace most homeowners have in North America. The gas is distributed through pipelines to ensure there is reliable heat all year long. However, what people like the most about a gas furnace is that it is affordable compared to the other types of fuels available in the market.

2. Oil furnace

If you live far away from the city in a place where pipelines can’t distribute gas, then your ideal furnace is an oil furnace. These types of furnaces are affordable and can also last for a long time. If you choose this product, you will have to buy tanks of oil to keep inside your home. The only downside is that oil prices are always fluctuating. This means that the cost of the fuel can change from month to month.

Further, keep in mind that an oil furnace needs regular maintenance to prevent damage.

3. Electric furnace

In case you are looking for a more affordable alternative, you should purchase an electric furnace. These appliances are smaller, which means they won’t be as efficient as a gas furnace. But, if you don’t have access to pipelines, this furnace will work.

4. Propane furnace

This is not a popular type of furnace but is still a good choice in case you can’t access either gas or oil. As you might know, propane is stored in tanks. This makes it easy to purchase and keep at home to keep your furnace working.

Choosing the right furnace is crucial if you want to be comfortable at home all year long. Once you decide which type of furnace you like, contact your favourite HVAC provider. In case you are not sure which one to choose after reading this list, you can ask for some advice from an expert.

Final Thoughts

Now that we are entering the fall season, this is the perfect time to replace your furnace and ensure you have warm air for the wintertime. When choosing your furnace, remember to first go through the breakdown above and investigate which appliance will be perfect for your home. Further, you also need to think about other factors, such as choosing the right furnace size for your home. To find the ideal measure, it is better to call a professional. Also, consider the weather of the place you are living in as well as the types of fuel available.